If you are an IntelliHR customer, your edays implementation will follow the standard implementation process with your users being imported into the system from the edays data capture form (if you have opted for the expert or elite implementation package).
IntelliHR will provide the following user data for this data capture form:
Login, First Name, Last Name, Email, Country, Location, Team, FTE, Hours per day, Authorisation Template, Authoriser Unique ID, Date of Birth, Employee Number, Employment Start Date.
Then, to complete this form, you be asked to provide the following data:
Role , Rota, Working period (days/hours), Default Holiday Entitlement Current Year , Default Holiday Entitlement Next Year, Payroll Number (optional).
To access edays from IntelliHR,, you can have a tile added on the homepage of your IntelliHR system that will direct users to edays when clicked on.