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Workflow Builder - Building a new workflow


The Workflow Builder is a powerful tool designed to automate and streamline various processes within your system. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to build a new workflow for your system.

Building a new workflow

There are two ways you can go about building a new workflow:

1. Creating a new workflow from scratch:

You are able to create a completely new workflow fit to what your preference is in terms of the system running. In order to see more information about each trigger, condition, and action, please check the "Workflow Builder - Functionalities" guide.


  1. Navigate to Admin Panel -> Global -> Workflow builder
  2. Click on "+ New workflow" in the top right corner
  3. Give your workflow a name and define which folder the workflow should be stored in
  4. Click on the "Triggers" folder and drag in the necessary trigger - you can select only one trigger
  5. Add in the properties as necessary and click on "Confirm"
  6. Click on the "Conditions" folder and drag in the necessary condition that should be met in order for the action to go through - you can drag in multiple conditions
  7. Add in the properties as necessary and click on "Confirm"
  8. Click on the "Actions" folder and drag in the intended action that will take place if the condition is met - you can drag in multiple actions
  9. Add in the properties as necessary and click on "Confirm"
  10. Click on "Save changes" in the top right corner of the page 

If you would like to enlarge the image, please click on it to expand.

2. Copying an existing workflow:

You will be able to see some example workflows that we have built for you. If you like the workflow, however would like to make a couple of adjustments, e.g. add branches or specify a condition of the user being part of a specific template. Then you are able to Duplicate the existing workflow and amend it as necessary. 


  1. Navigate to Admin Panel -> Global -> Workflow builder
  2. Locate the workflow you would like to duplicate
  3. Click on the three dots ( [...] ) that can be found under the Actions column
  4. Click on "Duplicate"
  5. Give your copy a name, and define which folder the workflow should be stored in
  6. Click on "Duplicate workflow"

Once you have duplicated the workflow, you will need to locate it within the folder you have specified, or go to the "ROOT" and locate the new workflow there. 

  1. Click on "Edit"
  2. Make any adjustments as necessary

Example case:

As an example, you will notice an example workflow "Automatically authorise advanced holiday" which in general is a good idea. However, you would like to amend it to automatically authorise Medical Appointments provided it's booked 7 days in advance and not apply a staffing level condition.

The steps you would take are as follows:

  1. Click on the three dots ( [...] ) that can be found under the Actions column on the same row as "Automatically authorise advanced holiday"
  2. Click on "Duplicate"
  3. Give your copy a name, for example "Automatically authorise Medical Appointments", and define which folder the workflow should be stored in, for example "Global"
  4. Click on "Duplicate workflow"
  5. You will then navigate to the "Global" folder and then "Edit" the duplicated workflow

Amending the record type:

  1. Click on the "A record is booked" trigger box
  2. Remove "Holiday" and replace it with "Medical Appointment"
  3. Click on "Confirm" once you're happy with the configuration of this trigger

Amending the notice period:

  1. Click on the "Record date is" condition box
  2. Scroll down and amend the amount of days from 30 to 7 days in the future
  3. Click on "Confirm" once you're happy with the configuration of this condition

Removing the "Staffing level is" condition

  1. To remove an example condition, you can click on the "X" on the left corner of the condition
  2. Click on the "X" on the grey box to fully remove it

Once you're fully happy with this customised workflow, then you can click on "Save changes" and then enable the workflow by clicking on "Enable workflow" button. This will make it live, and any "Medical Appointments" booked will be automatically authorised as long as the user has given a notice of 7 days.

Related guides:

Overview | Functionalities | Folders

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