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Workflow Builder - Folders


The Workflow Builder is a powerful tool designed to automate and streamline various processes within your system. This guide offers a detailed overview of creating new folders and organising your workflows to enhance categorisation and efficiency.

Having specific folders for workflows will help you divide the necessary workflows into specific categories. As an example, you can have location-specific folders such as UK workflows, in which there are only workflows relating to the UK. Or you can have action-specific folders such as email workflows and absence workflows to which you have added workflows related to just the specific action. 

Please note that the visibility of the folders cannot be restricted to only specific Administrators on your system - any Administrator that has access to the Workflow Builder will be able to access and amend the folders you have generated.

Creating a new folder

  1. Navigate to Admin panel → Global → Workflow builder
  2. Click on the” +" icon next to “ROOT” 
  3. Give your folder a name
  4. Click on "Create new folder"

Moving a workflow from one folder to another

  1. While on the Workflow Builder, either find the workflow on the main page or access the folder that your intended workflow is currently in
  2. Locate the workflow you wish to move 
  3. Click on the three dots ( [...] ) that can be found under the Actions column
  4. Click on "Move"
  5. Select the folder you would like to move the workflow to
  6. Click on "Move workflow"

Related guides:

Overview | Building a new workflow | Functionalities

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