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Entitlement Setup - Amending the global level time unit

This guide has been created for system administrators.

Specific role permissions may be required, including: Entitlement Setup.


The entitlement time unit determines which time unit users' entitlement balances would be displayed in - either in days or in hours. If you have Advanced entitlement mode turned on and have multiple elements within one entitlement pot, then this setting applies to all elements within the element. 

If you want to configure this on a template level, for all users on a template, please check this guide.

If you want to configure this just for a specific user, please check this guide.


  • Navigate to Admin panel -> Global -> Entitlement setup
  • Click on "Edit" for the entitlement in question.
    • You may need to click on "Advanced" to display more entitlement pots
  • Amend the "Time unit" to what is intended - either "Hours" or "Days"
  • Save the settings

Once saved, this will apply to any user on your system that does not currently have a template-level or user-level time unit configured.

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